You’ve worked too hard

to be unhappy.


We can help you change that.


Build your confidence


Find your purpose


Get a plan


Build your confidence


Find your purpose


Get a plan

Are you feeling stuck and empty?

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve checked all the boxes.

School ✅

Career ✅

Family ✅

Home ✅

But despite everything you’ve accomplished, something feels off.

Even though you’ve worked hard and have earned success, you still have a nagging emptiness inside.

Every day feels like a repeat, your own personal Groundhog Day where life is happening to you, not for you.

You know there’s more to life, but you don’t know how to get there.

You know you were meant for a greater purpose.

You just don’t know what that purpose is.

Luckily, we can help.


We’ve been where you are, and we know the way forward.

At Five Year You, we know how it feels to wake up each day with a sense of emptiness and disconnection, because we’ve been there ourselves.

We’re Andrew and Catherine, and just a few years ago, we were in the same place you are now. We had everything we thought would make us happy but were still searching for real meaning and purpose in our lives.

  • Andrew Dewar: A CPA turned coach who achieved financial freedom and all the ideal life goals, but found himself feeling unfulfilled and empty.
  • Catherine Collins: A motivational speaker and published author who had to rediscover her passion for life beyond the words she put on paper.

We found our way out, and now we’re here to help guide you.

That’s why we created Five Year You—a deeply personal, one-on-one coaching experience to help you find your purpose, reignite your passion, and design a life that brings you joy and fulfillment.



The Plan - 5 Weeks to Change Your Life

Here’s How It Works:

Get Clear

Together, we’ll reflect on where you are now and uncover what’s truly missing.


Create Your Plan

For five weeks, we’ll work closely with you to develop a custom roadmap tailored to your unique goals.


Walk The Path

For the first year, we will check in with you on quarterly coaching calls to ensure you are on track.

Imagine your life after working with us.

What if, five weeks from now, you woke up each day feeling:

  • Energized and excited for what’s ahead.
  • Clear on the direction your life is heading for the next 5 years.
  • Living with purpose, passion, and fulfillment.
  • Connected to yourself, your life, and those around you.
  • Moving forward confidently toward the best version of yourself.

With Five Year You, this transformation is possible.

We’ve been there, and now we’re here to help you discover your purpose and start living a more fulfilling life.

You can keep living on autopilot or choose a new path.

Don’t spend the next five years feeling empty, hoping for something to change.

We’ve been where you are, and we know how easy it is to stay stuck.

But we also know how empowering it feels to take control and live a life filled with purpose and direction.

The choice is yours: continue drifting or step into the future you deserve.

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